Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Welcome Aboard

First thing first.. Feel privileged!!

Now you are all aware of Sunset Point.. Some might say it was just a pile of rocks on a hill.. but we knw better.. For the uninitiated let me just say this.. I wish you were there!!! :)

So guyz Suit up!!.. and post-away.. and no Manisha .. this is not the place to order things from US :)


  1. A start with Sunset Point..

    I see an oxymoron ...

  2. Precisely the point..

    Here's the philosophy.. Have you realized tht whenever something ends then only we think.. maybe I should've done this.. Why the hell didnt i do that? Why didnt I give more time? Why wasnt I more understanding? Why did I gave more importance to "that" rather than "this"?

    So to properly appreciate the present we are starting from the past (also if we started with the future we would fall into the grandfather-paradox)

    Also remember that when its sunset at one place its sunrise at another!!

  3. yeah...I m able to understand Nihar a bit..But sarma..the word oxymoron???
    Is it the oxygen find in moon after sunset..
    Will u plz update it

  4. Oxymoron...

    Hw do i explain..

    Handsome Raja...

    Two words are like oppsosite poles but still used togethr...

    Thts an oxymoron.

    And when i was in space i used liquid oxygen...not the oxygen found on moon.

  5. SunSet Point...
    Well you know what??
    We shouldnt have named that place the way we have when we did...
    Sunset no matter how beautiful it looks,pleasant it seems but is actually setting of the day,the light and letting the darkness take over..
    And thats what happenend in one way or the other...that sunset point doesnt exist now...
    a big building has taken over and stands there all mighty with the graves of our memory of the time spent together buried underneath..
    Now that sounds really sad and pathetic...isnt guys?
    Well thats how we are letting things happen...the time that we have shared,moments together,life we actually were living then getting into darkness...do we want that..no its not which we will allow.right??
    So lets get the sun rise in our lives to start with and keep it that way forever...keep this lamp of friendship burning with the fuel it needs ie all of us in some form or other...
    Get going guys...lets start it this way..:)
