Friday, June 12, 2009

The Elements of life - Episode 1

Well I was reading some stuff abt the Hindu idea of the elements of life being Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Soul. Being the only atheist in the group I take it upon me to redefine this idea as per the modern world... So here goes..

The five modern (and more pragmatic) elements of life are.. (in no particular order) Love, Sex, Money, Fame and Friends( & family.. I knw some of u do have a family per se)

Episode 1 - Love

6 months ago I would have ranted on and on for 5 pages defining love either in for or in against according to the time of the day.. But as u all are aware I am more "knowledgable" now :) So I put forward a simple 3 step test to determine whether u are in love or not..

1. Do you want to change for the better? (I knw we all are aware and pretty satisfied with our fallacies.. but does the person makes u want to be better)

2. Can you do anything for the person? (Not the chand-leke-aaunga type.. but maybe taking disgusting risks, doing anything just to be with her\him, etc)

3. Do you feel amazing just by the idea\thought\delusion\fantasy\dream that the concerned person loves you back?

If you answered "yes" to all 3 questions.. no doubt.. You have gone insane!!!

If you answered "no" to all 3.. You are Raja

If you cant answer by a simple yes\no and brewing a long lecture abt it.... Baba post ur thoughts

If you are going thru the questions again and again and again and again (each time with a different person in mind)... Sharma bas kar.. u r in an infinite loop
If the person in ur mind is ur friend's girlfriend.. Welcome Addy

Finally.. If you think this is a stupid exercise.. You are a Girl!!!


I hope someone comes up with the remaining episodes... Contact me for technical help.

1 comment:

  1. Hey i come no where here?? :(
    i mean not mentioned at all :(
