First there was nothing. Then there was God. He then created the whole universe with just pure will. He said "Let there be light" and there was light. ..... On the 6th day He created Man, from dust, in his own image. He asked His angels to bow before His best creation. All but one bowed. The angel claimed himself to be superior to man as he was created from fire; and he could bow down only to the One.. God himself.. and no one else. God obviously got angry and dispelled him off heaven. The angel while departing asked for a last request. God asked what. He said now that you have created man, he'll need some rules to live by. God said you hate man.. how can I let you make the rules for him. The angel replied I am not asking to make the rules.. I am just asking that neither will You. Let man make his own rule. God agreed, the angel, whose name was Satan, left heaven - smiling.
Quoting Old Testament in a blog about Hinduism?? The point is.. Man and his rules.. which today we know by the name of Religion.
Now somewhere around 12000 years ago (the age here is scientific.. if we follow mythology we'll surpass even the birth of universe i guess) a new set of rules were written.. by man.. for man. The Vedas and Upanisads. And Hinduism was born. Contrary to popular belief it wasnt a "religion" per se. It was a way of life. It taught how to live. (The use of past tense is voluntary. Will come to that later)
Objective of Life :-
dharma "righteousness",
artha "livelihood",
kāma "sensual pleasure" and
mokṣa "liberation"
Ways to get there:-
Bhakti Yoga (the path of love and devotion),
Karma Yoga (the path of right action),
Rāja Yoga (the path of meditation),
Jñāna Yoga (the path of wisdom)
Concept of GOD :-
Monotheism (there is only one God),
Polytheism (there are many Gods and Goddesses),
Panentheism (God is present in every particle),
Pantheism (God is the supreme-most),
Monism (All Gods are really one),
Henotheistic (My God is true and so is everybody else's) and
Atheism (There is no God).
[All the above are Hinduism-accepted concepts. Thats why a theologian called it "Hinduisms"]
So you see.. even if you did NOT believe in God.. it was OK.. you were still accepted. That was how broad minded Hinduism was. For a change.. Man had got it right.
But now.. Hinduism is dead.. replaced by Hindutva. The Hindutva of RSS, of VHP, of BJP, of Narendra Modi. This particular book of rules teaches to hate others, kill others. The book teaches how shitty every other religion is. This teaches to deceive the same people whom you claim to be representing. This makes you exactly what Satan expected.
But Modi is being questioned now for the riots. Maybe its too implausibly optimistic to believe that justice will be done. Maybe its too fantastical to hope he'll get what he deserves. But still people know what he is.. and what his party and alliances stand for. Maybe karma will catch up with them. Maybe Hinduism will resurrect and Hindutva will die. Maybe someday people will remember the thing they already know. Just maybe.
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